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Document Service API: Sorting and paginating results

The Document Service API offers the ability to sort and paginate query results.


To sort results returned by the Document Service API, include the sort parameter with queries.

Sort on a single field​

To order results returned by the Entity Service API, use the sort parameter. Results can be ordered based on a single or on multiple attribute(s) and can also use relational ordering.

Example request
const documents = await strapi.documents("api::article.article").findMany({
sort: "title:asc",
Example response
"id": "cjld2cjxh0000qzrmn831i7rn",
"title": "Test Article",
"slug": "test-article",
"body": "Test 1"
// ...
"id": "cjld2cjxh0001qzrm5q1j5q7m",
"title": "Test Article 2",
"slug": "test-article-2",
"body": "Test 2"
// ...
// ...

Sort on multiple fields​

To sort on multiple fields, …

Example request
const documents = await strapi.documents("api::article.article").findMany({
sort: [{ title: "asc" }, { slug: "desc" }],
Example response
"id": "cjld2cjxh0000qzrmn831i7rn",
"title": "Test Article",
"slug": "test-article",
"body": "Test 1"
// ...
"id": "cjld2cjxh0001qzrm5q1j5q7m",
"title": "Test Article 2",
"slug": "test-article-2",
"body": "Test 2"
// ...
// ...


To paginate results…

Example request
const documents = await strapi.documents("api::article.article").findMany({
limit: 10,
start: 0,
Example response
"id": "cjld2cjxh0000qzrmn831i7rn",
"title": "Test Article",
"slug": "test-article",
"body": "Test 1"
// ...
"id": "cjld2cjxh0001qzrm5q1j5q7m",
"title": "Test Article 2",
"slug": "test-article-2",
"body": "Test 2"
// ...
// ... (8 more)